Commented Articles

PanNASH covers commented articles ans publications to acquire sufficient information, understanding, and skills to cope with NASH/NAFLD healthcare demands.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease after liver transplantation in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and cryptogenic cirrhosis: the impact of pre-transplant graft steatosis

Authors: Eshraghian A, Nikeghbalian S, Kazemi K, et al.
Published in HPB (Oxford) 2019. pii: S1365-182X(19)30634-3
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may occur in liver transplant recipients. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of NAFLD after liver transplantation in patients with NASH and cryptogenic cirrhosis...
Read MoreNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease after liver transplantation in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and cryptogenic cirrhosis: the impact of pre-transplant graft steatosis

Epidemiology of NAFLD and advanced fibrosis in the French general population: A population-based cohort study in 118, 664 subjects (NASH-CO study).

Authors: Serfaty L, Nabi O, Boursier J, et al.<
Published in Journal of Hepatology 2019;70:e309-e310.
The aim of this study by L. Serfaty et al. was to assess the prevalence and risk factors of NAFLD and associated liver fibrosis in a French population-based cohort (118, 664 participants) by using using the Fatty Liver Index...
Read MoreEpidemiology of NAFLD and advanced fibrosis in the French general population: A population-based cohort study in 118, 664 subjects (NASH-CO study).

Analysis of human leukocyte antigen allele polymorphism in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease

Authors: Karrar A, Hariharan S, Fazel Y, et al.
Published in Medicine (Baltimore) 2019;98:e16704
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes may play a role in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its progressive form, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). A. Karrar et al. aimed to assess the association...
Read MoreAnalysis of human leukocyte antigen allele polymorphism in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease

Cardio-Metabolic Disorders in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Authors: El Hadi H, Di Vincenzo A, Vettor R, et al
Published in Int J Mol Sci 2019;20
Recent clinical evidence suggests that NAFLD is directly associated with an increased risk of cardio-metabolic disorders. This mini review describes briefly the current understanding of the pathogenesis of NAFLD, summarizing the link....
Read MoreCardio-Metabolic Disorders in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Angiopoietin-2 promotes pathological angiogenesis and is a novel therapeutic target in murine non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Authors: Lefere S, Van de Velde F, Hoorens A, Raevens S, Van Campenhout S, Vandierendonck A, Neyt S, Vandeghinste B, Vanhove C, Debbaut C, Verhelst X, Van Dorpe J, Van Steenkiste C, Casteleyn C, Lapauw B, Van Vlierberghe H, Geerts A, Devisscher L.
Published in Hepatology. 2019 Mar;69(3):1087-1104.
This original study demonstrates that serum angiopoietin-2 levels are increased in patients with NASH and correlate with liver steatosis, inflammation and hepatocyte ballooning, but not with liver fibrosis. Similar findings were observed with two murine models of NASH, namely mice fed a methionine and choline deficient diet and mice with neonatal injection of streptozotocin ...
Read MoreAngiopoietin-2 promotes pathological angiogenesis and is a novel therapeutic target in murine non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Endothelial fatty liver binding protein 4: a new targetable mediator in hepatocellular carcinoma related to metabolic syndrome.

Authors: Laouirem S, Sannier A, Norkowski E, Cauchy F, Doblas S, Rautou PE, Albuquerque M, Garteiser P, Sognigbé L, Raffenne J, van Beers BE, Soubrane O, Bedossa P, Cros J, Paradis V.
Published in Oncogene. 2019 Apr;38(16):3033-3046.
This original study demonstrates that liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) exposed to conditions mimicking NAFLD -namely high concentrations of glucose, insulin, or VEGFA- release FABP4. They also observed that fatty...
Read MoreEndothelial fatty liver binding protein 4: a new targetable mediator in hepatocellular carcinoma related to metabolic syndrome.

Liver microRNA-21 is overexpressed in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and contributes to the disease in experimental models by inhibiting PPARα expression.

Authors: Loyer X, Paradis V, Hénique C, Vion AC, Colnot N, Guerin CL, Devue C, On S, Scetbun J, Romain M, Paul JL, Rothenberg ME, Marcellin P, Durand F, Bedossa P, Prip-Buus C, Baugé E, Staels B, Boulanger CM, Tedgui A, Rautou PE.
Published in Gut. 2016 Nov;65(11):1882-1894.
This original study demonstrated that microRNA-21 is overexpressed in the liver of patients with NASH, but not in those with bland steatosis. Liver microRNA-21 in NASH is primarily expressed in inflammatory and biliary cells. Using different mouse models of NASH, authors demonstrated that microRNA-21 contributes to key features of NASH, i.e. cell injury...
Read MoreLiver microRNA-21 is overexpressed in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and contributes to the disease in experimental models by inhibiting PPARα expression.

Endothelial Autophagy Defect in NASH Patients Promotes Inflammation & Fibrosis

Authors: Hammoutene A, Biquard L, Lasselin J, Kheloufi M, Tanguy M, Vion AC, Mérian J, Colnot N, Loyer X, Tedgui A, Codogno P, Lotersztajn S, Paradis V, Boulanger CM, Rautou PE.
Published in A defect in endothelial autophagy occurs in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and promotes inflammation and fibrosis.
Study offers new insights into the role of LSECs in NASH development, suggests targeting liver endothelial autophagy as a potential treatment strategy.
Read MoreEndothelial Autophagy Defect in NASH Patients Promotes Inflammation & Fibrosis

Molecular pathways between obesity, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Authors: Petrucciani N, Gugenheim J.
Published in Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr 2019;8:395-397.
This article highlights the importance of the recent study by Grohmann et al. published in the November, 2018 issue of Cell. It contributes to the understanding of molecular mechanisms which relate obesity with NASH and HCC. This study...
Read MoreMolecular pathways between obesity, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Short sleep duration is a risk of incident nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a population-based longitudinal study.

Authors: Okamura T, Hashimoto Y, Hamaguchi M, et al
Published in J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2019;28:73-81.
Previous cross-sectional studies revealed that short sleep duration has a close relationship with the presence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This historical cohort study of 12,306 participants is the first study...
Read MoreShort sleep duration is a risk of incident nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a population-based longitudinal study.

Can Nonfibrotic Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Be Effectively Identified by Supersonic Shear Imaging?

Authors: Yang J, Lin L, Xue E, et al.
Published in Anal Cell Pathol (Amst) 2019;2019:2013674.
Supersonic shear imaging (SSI) is a relatively new technique to measure the elasticity of target tissues based on the shear wave propagation. In this study, J. Yang et al. aimed to evaluate the value of SSI in discriminating NASH...
Read MoreCan Nonfibrotic Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Be Effectively Identified by Supersonic Shear Imaging?