DR. D. BEARD is specialist of Nash Pathology
Nordic NASH Symposium
PanNASH speaker; Dr. Stephen Harrison takes part in the Nordic NASH symposium which aims to discuss management and diagnosis strategies of improving outcomes for patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Read MoreNordic NASH SymposiumNAFLD VS MAFLD. The evidence-based debate has come. Time to change?
A discussion about the clinical evidence on all-cause and specific mortality of MAFLD.
Read MoreNAFLD VS MAFLD. The evidence-based debate has come. Time to change?HTN, NAFLD and mortality
The authors aimed to examine the impact of HTN on survival outcomes in a longitudinal cohort of NAFLD patients.
Read MoreHTN, NAFLD and mortalityFibrosis-4 index reflects right ventricular function and prognosis in HFpEF
The authors investigated the prognostic implication of the FIB-4 index regarding right ventricular dysfunction in patients with HFpEF.
Read MoreFibrosis-4 index reflects right ventricular function and prognosis in HFpEFMAFLD: a milestone in the history of fatty liver disease
Our growing understanding of the natural history and pathogenesis of MAFLD and the predominant role of metabolic dysfunction in this disease have evoked efforts to redefine fatty liver disease.
Read MoreMAFLD: a milestone in the history of fatty liver diseaseMAFLD biomarkers: a review
The identification of high-risk MAFLD patients is paramount. Liver biopsy is still considered the gold standard for the assessment of patients with MAFLD. The search for noninvasive biomarkers .....
Read MoreMAFLD biomarkers: a reviewB cells aggravate NASH: an innate and adaptive signalling
In this study, F. Barrow et al. (University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA) report that NASH livers accumulate B cells with elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion .....
Read MoreB cells aggravate NASH: an innate and adaptive signallingImmune cell-mediated features of NASH
In this review, T. Huby and E. L. Gautier (Sorbonne Université, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France) discuss “current concepts related to the.....
Steatohepatitis: hypothesis for a pathomechanism
In this article, P. M. Abuja et al. (Medical University of Graz, Austria) propose that steatohepatitis develops in four phases with transitions, priming triggering, adaptation....
Read MoreSteatohepatitis: hypothesis for a pathomechanismAGA: a NAFLD clinical care pathway
The American Gastroenterological Association assembled a multidisciplinary panel of experts to develop a Clinical Care Pathway providing explicit guidance on the.....
Read MoreAGA: a NAFLD clinical care pathwayT cells: Friends and foes?
In this review, P. Ramadori et al. (German Center for Cancer Research (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany) explain the cellular crosstalk of T cells with other immune cells, regulatory.....
NAFLD and structural heart, systolic and diastolic dysfunction: a meta-analysis
Several studies have documented a relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and structural heart disease, particularly diastolic function. This meta-analysis by J. N. Yong et al. (Yong Loo.....