Dr. Manuel Romero Gómez is a renowned hepatology expert and Full-Professor of Medicine at the University of Seville, Spain. As the Chief of the Digestive Diseases Department at Virgen del Rocío University Hospitals, he leads significant research projects in liver diseases. With over 340 publications and numerous awards, Dr. Romero Gómez is a prominent figure in the field of gastrointestinal and liver diseases.
NIT for screening, referral & diagnosis of NAFLD
Liver fibrosis is the major driver in liver disease progression. Prof. Romero-Gómez, Spain, reviews on NoninvasiveTests - NITs for screening, referral, and diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Read MoreNIT for screening, referral & diagnosis of NAFLDThe Course of Liver Histology and Morbi-Mortality in NAFLD / NASH
Prof. Manuel Romero-Gomez discusses the course of liver histology and its impact on mortality and morbidity in patients with NAFLD and NASH. He clarifies how fibrosis determines the prognosis of NAFLD and is the main therapeutic target. The importance of steatosis is also discussed both at the early phase and advanced phase. Finally he reviews the association with HCC and CV risks.
Read MoreThe Course of Liver Histology and Morbi-Mortality in NAFLD / NASHIMAGING BIOMARKERS IN NAFLD: COULD THEY AVOID LIVER BIOPSY?
The diagnosis of NASH is critically important for clinical trials and clinical practice. Today, the gold standard to diagnose NASH is a liver biopsy, as it’s the most complete diagnostic solution allowing clinicians to study key characteristics of the disease. But it has limitations. Liver biopsies require significant expertise both to perform but also to interpret the results. Biomarkers could play an important role and imaging biomarkers (transient elastography and shear-wave) plus MRI techniques allow assessment of liver damage in NAFLD with high diagnostic accuracy
Read MoreIMAGING BIOMARKERS IN NAFLD: COULD THEY AVOID LIVER BIOPSY?Imaging biomarkers in NAFLD: Could they avoid liver biopsy
There is a need for new biomarkers that allow the detection and quantification of liver diseases supported on the measurement of fat, iron, fibrosis, inflammation. Dr Romero-Gomez presents a state-of-the-art video on imaging biomarkers with the pros and cons for each technology. For daily practice, he also suggests a diagnosis algorithm
Read MoreImaging biomarkers in NAFLD: Could they avoid liver biopsy