Liver sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC) capillarization in NASH
Prof. Pierre-E.Rautou (France) discusses the effects of Liver Sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC) capillarization in patients with NASH. He also reviews the occurrences of LSEC capillarization at the early stages of NASH and its contribution to NASH progression by favoring inflammation and liver fibrosis. For the clinicians, he demonstrates a 24 week study of patients with NASH, exposed placebo and lanifibranor treatments strategies to determine LSEC changes.
Read MoreLiver sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC) capillarization in NASHBiomarkers in NASH
Prof. Rautou, France, discusses a critical component of the diagnosis and management of NASH: biomarkers. There are 2 aspects: fibrosis and diagnosis. Diagnosis is a field of investigations. Microvesicles could play a role.
Read MoreBiomarkers in NASHMicrovesicles as NAFLD biomarkers: a clinician’s point of view by Prof. P. E. Rautou
Prof Rautou, France, sheds light on microvesicles, which reflect apoptosis and cell activation. He discusses what we know about microvesicles in NASH and the rationale to consider them as biomarkers in liver disease.
Read MoreMicrovesicles as NAFLD biomarkers: a clinician’s point of view by Prof. P. E. RautouThe Role of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells
Prof. Rautou, France, discusses a critical component of the diagnosis and management of NASH: biomarkers. There are 2 aspects: fibrosis and diagnosis. Diagnosis is a field of investigations. Microvesicles could play a role.
Read MoreThe Role of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial CellsProf Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou, Paris, France highlights two important abstracts
Prof Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou, Paris, France highlights two important abstracts presented in Boston during the Liver meeting 2019.
Read MoreProf Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou, Paris, France highlights two important abstracts