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Dr Guillaume Grzych

Dr. Guillaume Grzych is a Medical Biologist with a specialization in biochemistry, currently serving at the University Hospital of Lille. He holds the position of Associate Professor and Hospital Practitioner, with dual qualifications in Pharmacy (PharmD) and Medicine (PhD). In addition to his clinical responsibilities, he is a faculty member at the School of Pharmacy in Lille.

Clinical Chemistry In NAFLD Part 3 – Biomarkers and Hepatic Fibrosis

Discover the intricate dynamics of Clinical Chemistry in NAFLD with Dr. Guillaume Grzych, a leading expert in medical biology and advanced computational techniques. Dive deep into the pathophysiology of liver fibrosis, explore the potential of biomarkers, and understand diagnostic tools like the AST-to-ALT ratio, FibroTest, APRI, FIB-4, and the ELF Score.
Read MoreClinical Chemistry In NAFLD Part 3 – Biomarkers and Hepatic Fibrosis

Clinical Chemistry in NAFLD Part 1 – Interest and Why?

Explore the complexities of NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), now also known as MAFLD, and its evolving terminology, diagnostic challenges, and association with cardio-metabolic syndrome. Learn about its progressive nature, the gold standard for diagnosis, and the emerging role of biomarkers. A must-read for healthcare professionals aiming for early diagnosis and effective management.
Read MoreClinical Chemistry in NAFLD Part 1 – Interest and Why?

Dr. Grzych’s advanced training encompasses next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and biostatistics, making him a leading expert in the interdisciplinary aspects of medical biology. A former medical intern at the University Hospital of Lille, he has obtained university diplomas in various specialized areas including “Biostatistics (CESAM),” “Cytogenetics,” “High-Throughput Sequencing Bioinformatics,” and “Pedagogy in Health Sciences.”

With a solid academic and clinical foundation, Dr. Grzych continues to contribute to both the advancement of medical science and the training of future healthcare professionals.