With over 20 years in the industry, Dr. Harrison has formed a multitude of global and local relationships with like-minded physicians and experts to raise awareness of liver disease and find a treatment for the patients that need it most.

NASH Management in 2022
The best treatment for NASH still remains as caloric intake reduction, weight loss, exercise and no heavy alcohol consumption, but these are merely lifestyle changes. There appears to be a fibrosis regression over time following bariatric surgery in patients with severe obesity and NASH. Liver histologic improvement endpoints are likely to predict clinical benefits. NAFLD liver fibrosis is a risk factor for adverse outcomes. Improvement in the NASH fibrosis stage was associated with lower risk of liver-related outcomes. Multifactorial metabolic milieu of NASH warrants potential combination therapy targeting many pathways.
Read MoreNASH Management in 2022NASH Treatment: Review of Current and Future Therapies for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Prof. Stephen Harrison (USA) reviews current and future therapies for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). After a focus on the pathogenesis of NASH and the different pathways on how underlying steatohepatitis is developed, he presents his expert perspective on how patient outcomes can be improved.
Read MoreNASH Treatment: Review of Current and Future Therapies for Non-Alcoholic SteatohepatitisNASH Management in 2022: benefits of lifestyle recommendations, including nutrition and exercise
Prof. Stephen Harrison (USA) discusses state of the art management of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in 2022. He focuses on the benefits of lifestyle recommendations, including nutrition and exercise. He shows that weight loss is associated with NASH resolution and fibrosis regression over time following bariatric surgery in patients with severe obesity and NASH.
Read MoreNASH Management in 2022: benefits of lifestyle recommendations, including nutrition and exercise